August 08, 2010

August 06, 2010

New semester, new vision, better effort

Alhamdulillah, new sem just's already 3 weeks.As usual after a long break(almost 3 months), it take some time for me to gear up my mind to all the classes..tho i feel i think it's ok to be relax a lil bit in the early weeks.:) ...assg pon xde kite enjoy dulu!;D

Time flies so fast.very happy that i'm moving to sem 2 of my study.every day i wish that i can finish my study faster.but of coz with good result too.Alhamdulillah for my result last is far from what i expected.and i'm very grateful to what God gives me.really thanks to my parents, brothers, frens and colleagues for all the effort and time together.

beside happy to be back to school, I must thank God for all the things i have until today.Thank God i'm still healthy, still can put effort in anything i do, still has the chance to do what i like the most..the best part is when i can share everything with my love one now :).Yes.I'm in love:)i'm very grateful that i met him. there must be the reason why i'm not able to further study abroad that time..the answer is: I met him:) tho i'm not realize when i started to like him.(tau2 da jeles..haha) for what i feel now, i couldn't ask for more.eventho we don't know what will wait for us in future, i hope and i pray that this relationship will bring happiness and 'rahmat' not only to both of us but also to our families and frens.May God bless us.Amin ya rabba alamin.....

yet, still there are lots of thing need to be done.thinking about my master project.the fact that my svisor is also my 'ketua jabatan' put more nervous to's harder when i start to read the conference paper.i can't remember how many times i read it yet couldn't understand it..arghh!!(last2 jot down je dlm log book supaya x blur time jumpe svisor..hehe)ganbatte!:)

Ramadhan is coming too..just around the's time to slow down all the daily activities to bring us to our Creator.Hopefully, Ramadhan this yr will be better for me.InsyaAllah..then comes the preparation for hari raya:) this yr target: nak buat 3 jenis biskut raya..haha(muka bersmgt nih:D)yeahh..!!harap2 kali ni xde biskut yg hangus.kih3

July 02, 2010

Sifat pemaaf Rasulullah

untuk renungan bersama...

NABI Muhammad SAW ialah seorang nabi dan rasul yang memiliki akhlak terpuji. Baginda seorang insan mulia yang sanggup memaafkan kesalahan orang lain.

Pada suatu hari, ketika baginda sedang berehat-rehat, datanglah seorang wanita Yahudi membawa hidangan yang lazat berupa kambing panggang.

Wanita itu mengetahui bahawa Rasulullah amat gemar kambing panggang.

Bahagian kegemaran baginda ialah paha kanan bahagian depan. Lalu wanita tersebut menabur racun di atas kambing panggang itu.

Dia melebihkan racun di paha kanan hadapan kambing yang dihidangkan itu.

Setelah melihat hidangan itu, maka Rasulullah pun berasa lapar. Selepas membaca bismillah, baginda pun makan dengan berselera sekali.

Baginda makan bersama seorang sahabat, Bisyir bin Barra bin Ma'rur. Namun, sewaktu baginda sedang mengunyah makanan itu, timbul perasaan was-was di hati.

Rasulullah pun meluahkan kembali daging kambing panggang yang sedang dikunyah.

Ternyata suara hati baginda itu benar. Bisyir bin Barra bin Ma'rur telah menjadi korban. Sahabat baginda itu meninggal dunia kerana termakan racun dalam makanan tersebut.

Rasulullah pun bertanya dan wanita Yahudi itu mengaku secara berterus terang tanpa berselindung berkata: "Aku mahu menguji kamu. Jika engkau seorang rasul, sudah pasti engkau akan mendapat petunjuk mengenai hal ini. Tetapi kalau engkau hanya orang biasa, maka aku pasti merasa puas kerana dapat menyingkirmu kerana engkau telah banyak membawa kemusnahan kepada kaum Yahudi."

Rasulullah mendengar penjelasan wanita itu dengan tenang. Kemudian, baginda pun memaafkan wanita itu. Baginda tidak menghukum wanita itu walaupun perbuatannya itu telah mengakibatkan kematian seorang sahabat baginda.

Baginda sanggup memberi kemaafan kepada seorang wanita yang ternyata mahu membunuh baginda.

June 24, 2010

May 23, 2010

Laughter, the best medicine

Just copy & paste from an e-mail :))

TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America .
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS: Maria.

TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables..

TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.

TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.

TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't
have ten years ago.

TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I'
MILLIE: I is the.....
TEACHER: No, no, Millie....... Always say, 'I am.'
MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'

TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when
people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher

May 21, 2010

If I could turn back time....

depression telah melanda diri aku!! semua pasal facebook.hate to see 'that' on facebook..huh.please stop that kind of annoying .......

also, it really hurts me in some way to see 'that'. i wish i could say it loudly..if i could turn back time....

~crying silently

May 15, 2010

9 things in my head rite now.

1. wondering why i loss of appetite. rarely happen to me and it already almost 1 week.

2. who will win thomas cup?indonesia or china?

3. what to buy for frens' many weddings to attend until early turn?sigh..

4. why my heart is beating so fast lately..

5. my result for last semester.

6. my holiday to kelantan this june.

7. tennis french open.

8. my best frens.

9. handbags n shoes:)

May 04, 2010


Welcome to my world!.this word will keep breathing in me at least for another 10 years.=) but who knows i might stop earlier than that..hehe:)

For those who are in this area, the very basic thing that they shud kno is where this word is originated from.(tho i never kno bout it when i had to choose my major;p) the only reason that i chose mechatronics just because it was a very new area at that time and so much to be discovered in the next few years mayb.

The term 'mechatronics' was 1st introduced in japan in 1969 by Tetsura Mori (senior eng at Yaskawa Electric Corp)to describe the integration of mechanics and electronics. however, it is widely used in Europe and is generally understood by the engineers in the U.S.; less recognized by the public. It crosses the three significant/fundamental areas in engineering which are mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and control engineering.

In general, products which have mechatronics approach will have computer as part of the machine that builds the product.all in all, mechatronics is associated with topics like robotics, motion control, intelligent control, automotives systems, actuators n sensor as well as micro devices. in future, when it comes to mechatonics, the sky is the limit, as more and more ideas will be generated to improve the way we live and doing things. everything will become more faster,intelligent and also offer greater safety,reliability and affordability.

While mechatronics still involves the synergy between mechanics and electronics, it also include software and information technology. mechatronics approach is believed to have big influence for reliability and cost effective aspect of the products. to bear in mind that, mechatronics shouldn't change the design process, but rather give the engineer greater knowledge in developing the concept to become more efficient. day by day, our lives are assisted by mechatronics products.just name it;rice cooker, washing machine, ABS system in our car, traffic lights, flight control system and many many more. even, today we can see this mechatronics ideas in movies like I-robots, transformer, terminator and so on...

rite now, i just wondering which niche area of mechatronics shud i focus on for my research...think n think n think again..

here some pics related to mechatronics;

April 20, 2010

Exam dah abess!!

akhirnya, exam aku dh abess.last paper smlm..hmm hopefully sume ok mcm dh dpt agak je subject ape yg dpt terok.last paper smlm lg la frust.di sbbkn jln yg biasenye x jam tiba2 je jam, aku smpi lmbt exm.smpi kwn aku cal ty kat mn.sume org dh msk dewan n exm dh nk stat..waaa time tue Tuhan je la tau betapa berdebar nye time bgn pagi lg aku dh rase x sedap hati.jantung aku dup dap dup dap.mcm ade sumthing bad yg akn jd..rupenye yg bad nye aku x leh jwb sgt exm.nk jwb mcm mn, smpi pun dh lmbt.msk dewan pun dh tergesa gesa.aku cube tenangkan perasaan.baca doa...hmm still ade beberape soklan yg aku blank.frust sgt2.patotnye aku score subject nih tp lain plak xpela.mayb ade hikmah n pengajaran yg bole aku amik.result?..tawakkal je la.sekurang kurang nye aku harap sgt2 aku dpt maintain ape yg aku dpt time undergrad dl..insyaAllah.

ok!di sbbkn exm dh abess n sblm aku stat project n bace journal2 yg tlh tersedia utk aku tu, baik aku layan jap movie2 yg 1st yg aku rase nk tgk semula ialah '10 things i hate about you'. x tau knape teringt cite tu.,tp mg best.wpun dh tgk still layan..hehe.cite yg light n relax.drpd tgk cite perang baik layan yg ni..ok daa~;)

'10 Things I Hate About You'

"I hate the way you talk to me,
And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
Even worse when you make me cry
I hate it when you're not around,
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
Not even close…
Not even a little bit…
Not even at all."

April 18, 2010

The comeback of Nadal:)

yay! after a long drought of winning titles, at last nadal won the Monte Carlo master just now. no wonder he is the king of clay court. it's always nice to see him playing tennis.not to mention that i can stuck in front of the tv for 5 hours just to watch him..=) can't wait for another significant match between nadal and federer at the 2010 french open. love u nadal!!.well,..both nadal n federer actually..haha;D

April 15, 2010

'Kami Prihatin'

'Tiada ibubapa tak sayangkan anak'..
dulu time aku kecik2, mak aku slalu cakap ayt kat ats smpi ke besar aku yakin mmg btol ayat lately, ntah mcm mn lps tgk berite n bace newspaper pasal pembuangan bayi, aku rs ayat tu dh x bole digunakn lg..

maybe sbb zaman millenium ni, gaya hidup pun dh berubah, jd kite lupe nilai2 kasih syg yg perlu ade..1st time aku bace pasal pembuangan bayi kat msia ni, aku igt ni sume disbbkn rmi sgt indon kat negara mayb hal2 ni berpunca dr rupanya aku silap.tgk2 rakyat msia sdiri..

bole dikatakn setiap minggu mst ade kes ni..plg sedih ble tgk gamba bayi yg telah dibuang yg dah xde tangan dan anggota bdn yg lain sbb digonggong anjing..mmg lain punye la berthn2 berusaha nk dpt anak.tak ketinggalan ade yg menangis/ pengsan bile bayi mereka meninggal dlm sekelip mata..knape la dorg ni sanggup bt mcm tu.dh la buang, membunuh plak tu.siap ade yg bakar bayi tu...takkan la xde sket pun perasaan belas kasihan.pelik.....

skrg ni kempen kami prihatin mmg di 'advertise' besar bole ke kempen ni mengurangkn kes pembuangan bayi ni..hmm.rasenye sume kene alert dgn keadaan bg aku,plg penting ibubapa mmg kene ambil tahu aktiviti seharian ank mereka.kdg2 sbb nk bg kebebasan, kite lupe nk ambil tau dgn sape mereka berkwn, ke mana mereka pegi..wpun dh besar atau dh masuk U, ibubapa kene ambil masa utk call ank mereka,dtg la jenguk sekali sekala.kalau x bt mcm tu, mayb ank2 tu akn terleka n lupe..manusia mudah lupe..apela gunanye ade ibubapa, family,kwn2,jiran,sedara mara kalau x bole serapkn nilai2 murni n kasih syg..

jadi, marila kite sume bersama sama menyokong kempen kami prihatin ni.Moga-moga Allah S.W.T ampunkan kite umat2 nye dan memberi keberkatan-Nya kepada kite semua..Aminn.

April 12, 2010


From a lecturer to his students...

some pics which I took from the late Prof Wahyudi's blog..May God bless his soul.

March 31, 2010

Good news in the middle of my hectic days

lama la plak dh x update.sblm naimah kutuk aku,baik aku update blog nih;)

last wk bole dikatakan mggu yg best+happy utk aku.di tengah2 aktiviti harian aku yg semakin bz sbb sem dh nk abis + otakku yg bercelaru, tiba2 alin cal.sbnrnye dh ade miscal b4 tu tp x sempat nk cal blk.hhehe.sori yer alin.ayat 1st yg kuar dr alin:

"sap, x lama lg sap nk jadi makcik!"

aku pun dgn x percaya nye berty: "ha??btol ke alin?" haha.terase smlm alin br kawin..wakaka.trus aku ty: "alin, mst aku org last yg tau kan?" (as usual i dun like to be the last person to kno).alin pon dgn garangnye jwb:"sape suh ko x angkat bile aku cal?" hahah..last2 aku jgk yg kene:)hihi

pd mase sama, alin ty aku bole x kalo die nk bt house warming that weeknd.kalo ikut planning asal nex kene la aku ubah jadual aku ni.adoilaa mmg nk kene sungguh bdk alin xpe, disbbkn aku dh nk jd makcik aku pn dgn pantasnye pg beli tiket bas=)

house warming mmg best...makann byk gile.sume aku mkn.wahaha.plg x sangka alin bt soto utk sayang alin mmg best la jumpe kali ni.padahal xde la lama sgt x jumpe, tp cite x abis2.smpi kene amik giliran nk bercakap..hahha
yg eka plak,sempat lg nk cop jd besan alin..pergh.haha.blom sempat aku cop die dh cop dl...yg naimah plak,slamber smpi lmbt.nk escaped tlg msk la tu=P nsb baek, smpi2 tgk die pegang plastic berisi jajan yg naimah, ko dimaapkan=D

borak punye borak, dah pukul 5 petang.aku kene pg putrajaya plak.mlmnye ade makan2 sempena bday Adam(anak buahku tersyg).eka plak nk kene pg terpaksa aku n eka beredar plg awal..sori alin,x sempat nk tlg basuh pinggan..huhu.lenkali kitaorg dtg lg;p

weeknd yg best,tp aku tau blk je utm nnt konpem aku kembali bercelaru..hahha.kann btol,aku blom smpi lg, dh ade org cal aku suh pg training.adoii laa.3 hari plak tu.nsb baik aku dh siap2 berbaju kurung,smpi2 trus tunjuk muke kat lab.masuk je,lorr sume org bwk laptop.aku jer berlenggang kangkung..hahha.seb baek umah dekat,ape lg blk la amik laptop kat yg plg tensen,training ni punye pasal,byk keje aku yg len terpaksa ditangguhkan..dh la dateline dh dekat.exam pn dh dekat jgk.seramm btol aku.yg cuti belajar aku pun blom setel jgk.yg annual report nye lain..nk stat kat mn aku pon dh x tau..huh.then smlm kwn aku bgtau 1 lg berite baik.die bgtau ade tiket MAS murah utk staff.die bole tlg dptkn tiket utk aku.hahha.Yaayyy!.I need a break!(terpaksa la aku kumpul duit dr skrg..)=)

March 22, 2010

Facts @ Food

semalam ade terbaca 1 article kat newspaper mengenai 'Rahsia pemakanan ilmuan Islam'.Ade beberape facts yg aku baru aku pun merajinkan diri utk type wpun dlm keadaan mengantokk;)(now 3.30am n hav class at 8.00am).Nway enjoy reading ya'^_^

1.Madu:: madu adalah makanan yg sgt berkhasiat. Al-Quran mengiktiraf ia 'shifa' iaitu penyembuh penyakit. madu didapati berkesan untuk merawati penyakit dan boleh menghindarkan kepenatan kerja otak spt berfikir, membaca,merancang n bermesyuarat.

2.Kismis:: mengandungi zat besi yg amat diperlukan utk membina darah bg memastikan bekalan oksigen yg mencukupi utk disalurkan ke otak. Adab memakannya dgn mengadap kiblat , membaca Bismillah dan selawat 3x diikiuti doa penerang hati.

3.Susu segar:: berguna utk kesihatan otak, mempertajamkan ingatan ,membekalkan tenaga mental n fizikal.

4.Telur:: menambah kekuatan otak, badan dan menjaga kesihatan keseluruhannya.

5.Halia:: sgt mujarab utk menghindar masalh lupe.bole dimakan mentah atau dibuat halwa.

6.Buah delima:: mujarab utk penerang hati seperti sabda Nabi Muhammad S.A.W: "sesiapa yang memakan buah delima keseluruhannya, sesungguhnya Allah menerangkan hatinya selama 40 hari."

March 21, 2010

My beshties

ok ini die kawan2 terbaekkk aku yg penah aku ade.dan dorg ni jugak lah yg menceriakan idup aku time2 matrix dl smpi la ke saat ini=) org 1st yg aku knl mst la naimah.mcm mn bole nk bertegur ngan die nih??wahaha.sbb die suke cop duk depan time kat class.(bak kata eka)hahhaa.mmg xde sape la brani amik tmpt aku tgk minah ni mcm klakar main cop2 n nmpk suke aku pon berminat la kwn ngan die nih.ble dh kenal mmg best la.ske gle tgk anime smpi influence aku tgk anime sorila naimh,ko hanya berjaya influence aku tgk naruto jek..haha=P.plg best die sanggup layan aku nk tgk wayang cite hindustan kat midval..3 hours plak tu.haha.mmg sayang la kat ko naimah=)
org ke-2 plak eka.die nih special case sket.time class arab,time aku duk tgh kusyuk menumpukan perhatian kat ustaz ckp,dgn tibe2 die nih cuit aku n mintak no phone..wakaka.aku time tu punye la terharu sbb ade jgk org nk berkwn ngan aku nih..haha.plg x bole lupe,sanggup aku berjln mlm2 dr KC ke ZC sbb nk lepak2 ngan die..hehe.aku ske kwn ngan die sbb sikapnye yg happy go lucky tu;)
last but not least,yg plg last aku knl mestila alin.mcm mn bole knl?die ni kwn baik eka time kat sek dl.mmg kagum la dgn keakraban dorg nih..lame knl smpi bole buat sambutan jubli perak la.muahaahha.alin ni mmg klakar tahap x bole diselamatkn lg.time mula2 knl mmg aku selalu merajuk ngan die..sbb merajuk?sbb die suke buli aku n kutuk aku..mmg direct lama2 aku pon dh kebal n actually die nih mmg terlalu baik sampai sanggup dulukn kwn2 b4 diri sdiri.;)igt lg time kat uia, die nih lg byk abiskan mase ngan kitaorg drpd dgn huss (husband nye skrg)haha..nasib baek huss sporting;)
so inilah kitaorg.dl kemana pg sentiasa berempat.kalo dh terdesak akan divide dua2.=) tp skrg masing2 dh ade commitment.alin pon dh kawin(x sangka alin kawin dl).tp walau jauh mn skali pon,kami still keep in touch n kalo sekali sekala berjumpe mmg x bole berenti borak sampai x tdo..terlalu byk bende yg hendak di share bersama=)
to naimah,eka n alin::love u guys shoooooo muuuchhhhhh n really3x miss the time we spent together.arghhhh rindunyeee kat korg!

alamak terpanjang la plak karangan aku nih=P
(pic kat ats tue time kitaorg try jubah convo slps bercuti-cuti malaysia di melaka)

March 20, 2010

My first post =)

Here I go.At last i start to blog.Something that never cross my mind..wahahaha.before this i just enjoy reading what people wrote at their blog and i'm really amaze how people can constantly wrote at their blog with stories/pics which able to affect other's life including me=)
And today i'm writing my first post..fuhh i guess it's not easy to write, and the fact that i got really bad grade for my 'karangan' last time make me feel i'm not a good writer.Nway, if someone ever ask me why i start blogging now, here my answer:

"my work now requires me to read a lot, to do research and the most important, i have to write as many as possible.Bcoz of that, i believe i should start somewhere to at least get the feeling to enjoy writing.And not to forget, i should thank someone who influenced me to create this blog.To that person, u know who u are and if u ever read this post, i really want to say 'arigato gozaimasu';p(tho i will not tell u about this blog until i feel confident to show..hehe.let me have few posts first:))"

~can't wait to write again..hahaha(got the feel already=))